Sunday 27 March 2016

What is Natural skin care? Why You Must Opt For It?

Put simply, 'natural skin care' is caring for your skin in a natural and
chemical-free way. 'Natural skin care' advocates enabling the skin to take care
of itself (without any assistance from synthetic materials/ chemicals). 'Natural
skin care' is about inculcation of good habits in the way you lead your day to
day life. A lot of natural skin care measures are actually the same as those
for body care in general.

So let's see what these natural skin care measures are.

Well the first and the foremost natural skin care measure is -- 'Drink a lot of
water'. Around 8 glasses of water is a must everyday. Water helps in flushing
out the toxins from the body, in a natural way. It helps in the overall upkeep
of the body and promotes good health for all organs (not just skin).

General cleanliness is another inexpensive way of natural skin care. Daily
shower, wearing clean clothes and sleeping on a clean mattress/pillow are all
part of general cleanliness. After all, clean skin is the key to keeping the
skin disorders at bay.

Regular exercise is the next thing on the cards. Exercise increases the flow of
blood that helps in getting rid of body toxins and keeping you healthy. Exercise
also helps in beating stress which is the worst enemy of good health.

Healthy food and eating habits are also recommended for natural skin care. Some
type of food (e.g. oily food) is know to cause acne and should be avoided as
much as possible. Your diet should be a healthy mix of various nutrient
providing foods. Raw fruits and vegetables are known to provide freshness to
your body and help in getting rid of body toxins.

A good sleep is also instrumental in maintaining good health and in beating
stress. As a natural skin care measure, a good sleep delays slacking of skin.

Beating stress is another natural skin care therapy. Stress causes overall
damage to body and health. Drinking a lot of water, getting a sound sleep and
exercise has already been mentioned as stress busters. Indulging in a warm
bubble bath, listening to music and playing your favourite sport are also good
ways of beating stress. Yoga is yet another way of beating stress; it is fast
gaining popularity amongst the masses.

Avoiding excessive exposure to sun (by wearing long sleeved clothes, hat and
umbrella etc), is another natural skin care strategy. Sunscreen lotions are
also recommended as necessary.

A lot of traditional and home made natural skin care products/ measures are
also known to be very effective. Such measures are not only natural and
easy-to-follow, but also relatively inexpensive.

Besides that, a lot of natural skin care products are available in the
commercial market. These include things like lavender oil, aloe vera etc.,
which don't have any side effects.
How To Stay Healthy
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Unknown Web Developer

A Skin Care Blog With Amagingly Simple Tips On Skin Whitening, How to Remove Warts, Different Acne Scars Trteatment Along with Many Natural Beauty Tips for that Great Looks You Always Desired

How To Know Which is the best skin care product?

There is really nothing like a best skin care product. There really can't be
anything like 'The best skin care product', because skin care products work
differently for different people (based on the skin type to some extent). A
product that is the 'best skin care product' for one person might end up being
the worst for another person. So, a more logical question to ask would be 'What
is the best skin care product for my type of skin?'. However, this still is not
completely logical. We tend to segregate people into 4 groups based on their
skin types -- i.e. dry skin, oily skin, normal skin and sensitive skin.
However, this classification is just too broad to be used definitively in
determining the best skin care product. We can say 'best skin care product for
a dry skin' or 'best skin care product for an oily skin' are better statements
than just 'best skin care product'. But really, that is what it is -- 'better';
still not accurate.

So, it really comes to rephrasing the question to -- 'What is the best skin
care product for me'. Yes, this is exactly the question that you should be
asking, and unfortunately there is no easy answer for this. Arriving at the
best skin care product for self will need some effort on your part.

First of all, you need to understand how the skin care products work. This is
simple. You can consider all skin care products to be composed of 2 types of
ingredients -- Active and inactive. The active ingredients are the ones that
actually work on your skin. The inactive ones just help in delivering these
active ingredients to your skin. Both the ingredients need to work for your
skin, in order for the product to be effective (and move on to become the best
skin care product for you).

Besides the ingredients, the way you apply your skin care products is equally
important. In fact, this is even more important. If you do not know how to
apply skin care products, you might forever be hunting for the best skin care
product for yourself, when that has already passed you. Moreover, it's also
important to decide on the frequency of application (of the skin care product).
The environmental factors -- temperature, humidity and pollution level, also
affect the selection of best skin care product. Here are a few rules that you
could use to ensure that your best skin care product is really the best for you:

* Cleanse your skin before applying that best skin care product.

* Use a makeup remover instead of plain water and remove your makeup before going to bed.

* The effectiveness of active ingredients is reduced when applied over another product e.g. over moisturizer. So apply that best skin care product first and then apply a bit of moisturizer if needed.

* Apply the products on moist and warm skin.

* You will have to experiment with a few products before you arrive at the one that is the best skin care product for you.

* Do not exfoliate too much or too hard.

* Vary your skin care routine as per the seasons (winter/summer etc), changes in environmental factors and changes in your skin type

Note that the best skin care product cannot be determined overnight. It's only
through experiment (and awareness) that you can find the 'Best skin care
product' (for you).
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Unknown Web Developer

A Skin Care Blog With Amagingly Simple Tips On Skin Whitening, How to Remove Warts, Different Acne Scars Trteatment Along with Many Natural Beauty Tips for that Great Looks You Always Desired

10 Tips for your make up and skin care

'Make up and skin care' is generally regarded as women's forte. Men seldom indulge in 'Make up and skin care'. Many men do care for their skin but make up is really alien to most men. Treating make up and skin care as different topics wouldn't make sense; after all, make up will work only if the skin is healthy. So how do you exercise make up and skin care, together? Here are some tips for make up and skin care:

'Make up and skin care' is generally regarded as women's forte. Men seldom indulge in 'Make up and skin care'. Many men do care for their skin but make up is really alien to most men. Treating make up and skin care as different topics wouldn't make sense; after all, make up will work only if the skin is healthy. So how do you exercise make up and skin care, together? Here are some tips for make up and skin care:

  1. Always have skin care on mind, whether you are buying products for make up or actually applying them onto your skin after you have bought them. So what you are buying is a 'make up and skin care' product, not just a make up product. Check the ingredients to see if it contains things that you might be allergic to. Also check if it contains high concentration chemicals that can harm your skin.
  2. 'Make up and skin care' is also about testing the products before using them. So, apply the make up on a small patch of skin e.g. earlobes and check how your skin reacts to it.
  3. Keep track of expiry date on your make up products and never use them beyond the expiry date. In fact some products (e.g. vitamin C based products), if not stored properly, get spoilt much earlier than the expiry date.
  4. Cleanliness is an important part of make up and skin care procedure. Sharpen your eye-liners regularly and keep all your makeup equipment clean at all times. You might fix a date, each month, for overhauling of your equipment. As part of cleanliness, your make up and skin care procedure should also include keeping your hair clean at all times.
  5. Nail care is another important aspect of make up and skin care. Use a good quality nail polish and always keep your nails clean. Once you are done with cleaning and polishing your nails, you should rub in cuticle oil at the edges of the nail.
  6. If you have deep-set eyes, you should use a liquid eye liner instead of a pencil one. This will prevent smudging at the deep edges of your eye-lid.
  7. If you have a skin disorder e.g. acne, you should not apply heavy or chemical based make up. Consult your dermatologist if you are not sure about the make up products that you can use while you have acne or other skin disorder. Never try to squeeze pimples/ acne. Remember that make up and skin care should not conflict each other.
  8. Use a mild make up remover (instead of just washing it away).
  9. Another important 'make up and skin care' procedure is the following golden rule: "Never sleep with your make up on"
  10. While applying a deodorant, make sure that you maintain the recommended distance between the nozzle and your skin (as mentioned on the deodorant pack). 

So, make up and skin care should always go hand in hand. Do not try to treat
make up and skin care differently.

So, make up and skin care should always go hand in hand. Do not try to treat
make up and skin care differently.
How To Stay Healthy
More Healthy Living Tips
Unknown Web Developer

A Skin Care Blog With Amagingly Simple Tips On Skin Whitening, How to Remove Warts, Different Acne Scars Trteatment Along with Many Natural Beauty Tips for that Great Looks You Always Desired

Saturday 26 March 2016

5 Ways To Care Your The Most Natural Way

Washing the face everyday is sometimes not enough. Some get facials done while others regularly visit their dermatologists for consultation. There are also some who are forever undergoing some kind of medication to help keep their face blemish free. This can eat up a lot of the money that they earn. Remember that facials and consultations are not cheap. They can be mightily expensive.

But why go with the medical when you can do it in the natural way? Below are some of the ways that you can take care of your skin without spending so much.

1. Exfoliation in the shower

Exfoliation is one of the things that help keep your skin, smooth and silky. The process removes the dead cells from the skin, thereby preventing the buildup of dead cells in the pores.

Exfoliation can actually be done before you take a bath everyday. You just need a dry brush. Make sure that it has soft bristles; otherwise, you will end up irritating the skin. Brush in circular movements to also help in the circulation of the skin. This process however can only be done in certain parts of the body. Sensitive areas like the face may only be irritated.

2. Use fruits and veggies

Cliché as it is, fruits and vegetables really do have properties that help in keeping the skin healthy. What is more you don’t have to eat them. There are fruits and veggies that you can put directly to your skin like the tomato and the cucumber.

Of course, eating an apple a day will definitely keep the dermatologists away as apple contains natural nutrients that are really good for the body, especially for the skin. High fiber fruits like bananas are also highly recommended as they are able to improve on digestion and metabolism.

3. Water

Not only will water help you in washing your face, drinking lots of it will also help you get rid of the toxins in the body. In fact, one of the secrets to having great skin is drinking lots of water. Experts recommend at least 8 glasses a day. For people who have digestive problems, about 10-15 glasses is already enough.

4. Exercise

Another way to get rid of the toxins in the skin is to regularly do physical activities whether they like working out in the gym or doing sports activities.

5. Avoid sugar

Do you know that sugar can actually make your skin sag and develop wrinkles? This happens when the excess sugar go to the bloodstream and sticks to the protein.

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Unknown Web Developer

A Skin Care Blog With Amagingly Simple Tips On Skin Whitening, How to Remove Warts, Different Acne Scars Trteatment Along with Many Natural Beauty Tips for that Great Looks You Always Desired

Guide To Skin Type - What Everybody Should Know About

With the thousands of skin care products clogging the market, choosing one that is appropriate for you can be mighty frustrating. With different ingredients and formulas, one can never know for sure what kind of product your skin longs for.

Although one can never really know for sure unless you try the products yourself, one of the things that can narrow down the search for the perfect skin care product is the skin care type. The skin care type refers to the kind of skin that you are born with.

There are actually four main types, the oily skin, the dry skin, the normal skin and of course the combination type. This is basically determined by the degree of oiliness and dryness of your skin.

As you will notice, some people are more prone to oiliness than others. Pore sizes also come into the picture. In choosing products, you need to know your type is so that you can buy products that fit you.

To determine what type you are, wash your face first and then wait for about 30 minutes. This will give your skin enough time to become active. After the 30-minute period, get a tissue paper and dab you’re the following areas of your face, the forehead, the nose, the chin and the cheeks. Oily areas will of course leave an oily mark on the tissue paper.

In normal skin type, there is a balance between water and oil. This is the type that is not dry but also not too oily. Often, the pore is medium in size. Lines and wrinkles are not as visible compared to people with dry skin. This is because this type of skin is more elastic and flexible.

Dry skin, on the other hand, will be course and rough. There will be mo moisture on the skin. This is the type of skin that is often prone to wrinkles and lines.

Oily skin is perhaps the most easily identified as it tends to shine. This is often a result of overactive oil glands, which produces too much. The danger of oily skin is the fact that it is more prone to acne and pimple problems.

This is because the oil can clog the pores and trap dead skin cells with hair follicles. Pores of oily skin are larger.

Combination skin, as the name implies, can have oily skin in some areas and dry skin on the other parts. Often, it is the T-zone, which is often oily. The T-zone consists of the forehead and the nose.

How To Stay Healthy
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Unknown Web Developer

A Skin Care Blog With Amagingly Simple Tips On Skin Whitening, How to Remove Warts, Different Acne Scars Trteatment Along with Many Natural Beauty Tips for that Great Looks You Always Desired

Best Natural Skin Care Products Methods For Men

With the birth of the metro sexual, men are increasingly made aware of their appearances. In fact, some women even complain that their boyfriends now spend more time at the mirror than they do.

One of the booming industries brought on by the metro sexual phenomena is the skin care industry especially those that focus on men. The industry has become so big that cosmetic and skin care lines that only catered to women have started to also develop skin care products for men.

There are now astringents and lotions for men. Some companies have even developed facial wash for men, a skin care staple that men would not have bought a decade ago.

Below are some of the products that have captured the interest and fancy of the male population.

Mask it!

Who would have thought that women will see the day when men will go to sleep with clay or mud all over their face? This however is prevalent in these times, as men have finally realized the advantages of deep cleaning his pores to prevent pimples and acne from settling in. The Anthony Logistics Deep Pore Cleansing Clay, is one of the best in the line. It combines the properties of flowers with vitamins and purified clay to help the skin absorb excess oils, remove impurities and toxins as well as tighten the pores.

Moisturize it

Men also use moisturizers. As far-fetched as it seems, men also need moisturizers to help keep their skin supple and soft. Moisturizers, as women know, can prevent visible signs of aging by keeping the skin’s natural oils.

This is especially true with men who have dry skins. One of the products in the market that comes highly recommended is the Clinique Maximum Hydrator for Men. It can be pretty expensive but it sure does the job.

Scrub it

To take care of the skin, one needs to get rid of dead skin cells, which may clog the pores or combine with dirt and grime. One of the essentials of exfoliating, is the T-Pur Face Purifying Scrub for Men, which is manufactured by Biotherm. The scrub helps cleanse the skin.

Be careful though and make sure that the scrub is not so abrasive on your skin. Too much scrubbing can irritate the skin and worsen the problem.

How To Stay Healthy
More Healthy Living Tips
Unknown Web Developer

A Skin Care Blog With Amagingly Simple Tips On Skin Whitening, How to Remove Warts, Different Acne Scars Trteatment Along with Many Natural Beauty Tips for that Great Looks You Always Desired

Friday 25 March 2016

Top 10 skin care tips That will change your life for Good

Healthy skin is really one of the most important ingredients for
beauty-enhancement. This article on skin care tips is an effort to bring the 10
best skin care tips to you. The list of skin care tips has been restricted to 10
because anything more that that would not only be difficult to remember, but
also shadow the more important skin care tips. So let's see what these top ten
skin care tips are:

* Knowing your skin type is one of the most important skin care tip. This is
important because not every skin care product suits everyone. In fact, all the
skin care products specify the type of skin they cater too.

* 'Drink a lot of water'. This will not keep your skin moist but will help in
overall upkeep of your health (and in turn your skin). It might seem a bit
awkward to some, however, this is an important skin care tip.

* Cleanse your skin regularly (1-2 times everyday). A very effective skin care
tip that helps in getting rid of the dirt and other harsh elements from your
skin. Cleansing is especially important when you have been out of your house
(and hence exposed to pollutants, dust etc). This skin care tip also advocates
the use of Luke warm water for cleansing (hot and cold water, both, cause
damage to your skin)

* Be gentle, after all it's your skin. Don't scrub/exfoliate too hard or too
often. Similarly, don't apply too much or too many skin care products. A
must-to-follow skin care tip.

* Keep your skin moist at all times. This is one of the most important skin
care tip. Don't let your skin get dry. Dryness causes the outer layer of your
skin to break, leading to a rough and unattractive appearance. Use
moisturisers/ emollients. Moisturisers work best when applied while the skin is
still damp.

* Avoid the use of soap on your face. Soap should only be used from below the
neck. A small but important skin care tip.

* Use sunscreen to protect yourself from sun's harmful UV radiations. You can
use day-time moisturisers that have sunscreen built into them. Use them even
when it's cloudy. UV radiations are known to cause skin cancer, so follow this
skin care tip without fail.

* A bit of exercise and good sleep are essential too, not just for skin care
but for your health as a whole. Lack of sleep can lead to formation of wrinkles
below your eyes and lack of exercise can cause your skin to slack. Moreover,
exercise and sleep also help in beating stress. So besides being a skin care
tip, this is also a health care tip.

* Treat skin dilemmas with care. This skin care tip is about not ignoring any
skin dilemmas. Consult your dermatologist before you go on to use a skin care
product (lest you do end up harming your skin even more).

* Beat the stress. The harmful effects of stress are known to everyone,
however, sometimes stating the obvious is essential too (and hence this skin
care tip found its place here). Yes, stress harms skin too. So, take a break or
indulge in a warm bubble bath or just get good sleep.

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Unknown Web Developer

A Skin Care Blog With Amagingly Simple Tips On Skin Whitening, How to Remove Warts, Different Acne Scars Trteatment Along with Many Natural Beauty Tips for that Great Looks You Always Desired

The Benefits of caring for your skin

"Packaging is as important as the gift itself" -- it's something that most of
the gift manufacturing companies follow very closely. The same holds good for
you too. Your outer-self i.e. your skin is as important as your inner-self. A
lot of people do realise the importance of skin care. Well, this is one reason
why there are so many skin care products in the market and most of the skin
care products seem to do pretty well. We generally tend to associate skin care
to just good looks. However, there is more to it than just that. There are
multiple benefits associated with a healthy and glowing skin.

Firstly, it has a good effect on you yourself. It makes you feel fresh and
energetic. You are able to do more work and are quicker with everything you do.
More importantly, the freshness adds to your enjoyment and makes your day. So a
healthy skin too plays its part in building confidence. Yes, you can take most
of the credit for having achieved that (however, do leave a little for the skin
care products too).

Moreover, this flow of positive energy is experience by people around you too
and you observe that even they are friendlier with you. You get more respect
from others. They are more responsive to your queries. They themselves
experience the freshness that you are exuding. They love working with you and
for you. Yes, that's how it works. Some people might even go ahead and ask you
about the skin care products you use (you might or might not reveal those
secret skin care products to them). Thus, a healthy skin can be instrumental in
creating a pleasant and friendly environment around you. On the other hand,
carelessness or negligence on this front can make you look unattractive and
dull. You will not only look dull but also feel dull. Your work efficiency is
reduced. Even the people you meet might not be as friendly. In fact, it might
lead to the aging process getting started much earlier.

Thus the importance of skin care cannot be ignored. However, skin care is not
that difficult at all. There are a lot of skin care products available and you
can choose the ones that suit you the best. There are various ways in which
skin care products are classified and the knowledge about these classifications
will help you understand them better and make a selection.

* The first categorisation is based on the skin type -- so you have skin care
products for oily skin, skin care product for dry skin, skin care products for
sensitive skin etc.

* Another way is to categorise skin care products based on their use e.g. you
have moisturisers, cleansers, skin care products for exfoliation, toners etc.

* Then you have skin care products for treatment of various skin dilemmas i.e.
skin care products for acne, skin care products for stretch marks, skin care
products for anti-ageing etc.

* Another classification is based on the ingredients e.g. herbal skin care
products, synthetic skin care products, cosmetic skin care products etc.

However, skin care products are not the only way of skin care. You also need to
build some basic skin care procedures in your day to day life (as we discuss in
the other article on personal skin care).

How To Stay Healthy
More Healthy Living Tips
Unknown Web Developer

A Skin Care Blog With Amagingly Simple Tips On Skin Whitening, How to Remove Warts, Different Acne Scars Trteatment Along with Many Natural Beauty Tips for that Great Looks You Always Desired

All you want to know about Facial skin care

'Facial skin care' is more a matter of discipline than anything else. A facial
skin care routine is what you need (and you need to follow the facial skin care
routine with complete seriousness). So let's check what comprises an effective
facial skin care routine. Well, very simply, a facial skin care routine can
follow the following 4 steps:

* Cleansing
* Toning
* Exfoliating
* Moisturising

Cleansing is the first thing in facial skin care routine. Cleansing helps in
removing dust, pollutants, grease and extra oil from your skin, thereby
preventing damage to your skin. Just spot your face and neck with a good
cleansing lotion or cream and gently massage it into your skin using upward
strokes. Use a soft face tissue or cotton wool to wipe your face in a gentle
patting fashion (do not rub). Cleansing should be done at least twice a day
i.e. morning (as part of complete facial skin care routine) and evening (on a
standalone basis). Water soluble cleansers are the best for inclusion in your
facial skin care routine.

Toning is the next in a facial skin care routine. However, this is the optional
part of the facial skin care routine. Mostly, proper cleansing can compensate
for toning. Toning helps remove all traces of dirt, grease and excess cleanser.
Instead of making it part of your daily facial skin care routine, you can using
toning occasionally i.e. when you have been exposed to particularly harsh

Exfoliation is again, kind of, optional step in everyday routine for facial
skin care. However, exfoliation is necessary at least once a week (or twice,
depending on the skin type and the environmental conditions). Exfoliation finds
its place in facial skin care routine because of the natural tendency of skin to
replenish the skin cells every 3 or 4 weeks. As a facial skin care technique,
exfoliation helps in removing the dead skin cells that block the pores, thus
assisting the skin in the natural process. However, excessive or harsh
exfoliation can cause damage to your skin; so you need to balance it out.

The next thing in facial skin care is moisturising. In fact, moisturising is
the most important part of facial skin care routine. Moisturisers prevent your
skin from getting dry. Dry skin is really undesirable since it cause the upper
layer skin to break, leading to dead skin cells. Again, use light upward
strokes to make the moisturiser more effective. Moisturisers work the best when
applied on warm and damp skin. So do not try to remove all the moisture in the
previous steps of facial skin care routine.

Besides the normal facial skin care routine, you should also exercise the
following for facial skin care:

* Use proper make-up remover instead of just washing it away

* Pay heed to your skin type and the environment, when choosing facial skin
  care products.

* Before you start using a new facial skin care product, test it by applying it
  on a short patch of skin e.g. ear lobes.

* Never rub your skin too hard.

* Use sunscreen lotions for protection against sun.
How To Stay Healthy
More Healthy Living Tips
Unknown Web Developer

A Skin Care Blog With Amagingly Simple Tips On Skin Whitening, How to Remove Warts, Different Acne Scars Trteatment Along with Many Natural Beauty Tips for that Great Looks You Always Desired

Thursday 24 March 2016

5 Great Acne Remedies

Many people are concerned about products to remove acne, yet perhaps the more important factor to consider is prevention. After all, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. So, here are five of the basic but most important ways in order to treat and prevent acne build up.

1. Cleaning
Washing away the outside layer of the skin with natural oils is not really helpful preventing or curing acne, or pimple for other people, for it develops under the skin. Although …

Many people are concerned about products to remove acne, yet perhaps the more important factor to consider is prevention. After all, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. So, here are five of the basic but most important ways in order to treat and prevent acne build up.

1. Cleaning
Washing away the outside layer of the skin with natural oils is not really helpful preventing or curing acne, or pimple for other people, for it develops under the skin. Although it’s a belief the people develop acne due to the fact that they don’t cleanse their skin thoroughly. For everyone’s information, washing the skin too much can cause irritation and produces more whiteheads and blackheads that turn into pimples after being infected. Gentle washing is only needed. Use mild soaps or cleanser, an example is Cetaphil or acne bars. Another good sample is Neutrogena product that washes acne.

2. Exfoliating
It is also important to exfoliate; this helps remove the dead skin cells, to maintain a healthy and glowing skin. A mild cleanser will help exfoliate the face after washing. Scrubbing will also help exfoliate the face, which can be done once or twice a week. This procedure will aid in reducing dead layers skin cells that clog the pores, reason why more pimples or acne.
3. Keeping the skin Clear
– Make sure that all cosmetics such as powder, lotion, blush on, foundation, and even sunscreen are oil free
– Complex 15 is oil free moisturizer that helps avoid dry skin
– Get in the habit of using oil-free lotions
– Get rid of hair chemicals such as gels or hair cream
– Always watch for labels with the term non-comedogenic, which means they don’t cause pores to be clogged
4. Proven Chemicals

Benzoyl Peroxide
This eliminates the bacteria that worsens acne and it also unplugs oil secretions and helps pimples or acne to heal. This can be found in many over-the-counter acne treatments. Start traditionalistically with a five percent moisturizer once everyday like after washing the face before going to bed. After a week, make it twice everyday if there are no other medications being taken or used. If the acne is not yet healed after four to six weeks, try a ten per cent mixture. This can be bought over-the-counter, however, there is a need to seek for a doctor’s prescription. Just be sure to request for a real form: the pharmacist can be asked which can be bought over-the-counter or which needs prescription.

These are available only if there’s a doctor’s recommendation. Antibiotics are very helpful aid for pimples or acne that is already swelling and red and usually have pus, or for if it not those not anymore being treated with medications as expected. These antibiotics eliminate the bacteria, which develop to whiteheads. Make it a point to follow the doctor’s recommended dosage and always take the antibiotic pills with enough amount of water. Some of these bacteria killing medicines may also increase the skin’s sensitivity to the sun, for this use sunscreen when going out to prevent any sunburn.

Accutane are antibiotics that are available only under a doctor’s order and recommendation. Accutane is a very optimized pill that is intended for those with deep scars, or pimples that can no longer be treated by other medications or antibiotics. Blood test is taken every now and then when using Accutane as medication, as this can affect the levels blood cell and blood count. For women, the physician, possibly an obstetrician-gynecologist may require the intake of birth control pills prior to prescribing the Accutane. Extra caution is really taken into consideration, as it can be very harmful to to pregnant women. However, until this time some physicians are not prescribing Accutane.

5. Treatment Information
The Treatment can take some time which often takes six to eight weeks for the pimple to heal after there will be another start of treatment. Some medications can cause acne to get even bigger or redder before it gets well, there are times when these could have pus too. If the acne still has not welled after several medications with other drugs, the doctor may suggest that the patient take an oral medicine. Doctors recommend this retinoid as a last treatment, due to its serious effects and it is also very expensive. Sometimes women are asked to take birth control pills as to help them control acne especially in women who mood swings even before their menstruations start.

How To Stay Healthy
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Unknown Web Developer

A Skin Care Blog With Amagingly Simple Tips On Skin Whitening, How to Remove Warts, Different Acne Scars Trteatment Along with Many Natural Beauty Tips for that Great Looks You Always Desired

Acne Cure That You Can Not Ignore

Acne is a severe skin disorder that plagues millions of people everyplace in the world.  It more often than not affects teenagers, but infants and adults are from time to time affected too. Undeniable reports have noted that acne can cause personal suffering and it may even lower the person’s self esteem.  In fact, of all its victims, many have found themselves ill at ease and dejected.  Having such kind of feeling, it is no wonder then that most of the acne patients respond to certain acne cures that will help make better their overall skin condition.  But, is there really an acne cure?

For so many years, definite studies have been conducted for the cure of acne.  Until these days, there is no one meticulous magic acne cure that can totally get rid of acne, although some products are claiming that they can.  Nevertheless, the news is not at all bad since a number of acne remedies, known be many as acne cures, are now accessible on the market.  These acne cures largely vary according to the manner of application, the seriousness of the acne condition, and to the kind of the acne patient’s skin.

One of the classically used acne cures are those over-the-counter products such as cleansers, moisturizers, astringents, and pimple creams.  These acne cures are actually non-prescription goods that are to some degree confirmed capable for unplugging the whiteheads and blackheads.  Some of these acne cures promote the skin to peel off, giving way to the new skin to renovate.

The current antibiotics are also there, known as “prescription only” acne cures.  These forms of acne cure normally help fight acne by means of knocking out the acne-causing bacteria that contaminate the pores.  However, there are some instances that acne may become unaffected by  these forms of acne cure, turning them ineffective in the end.  It is also worth noting that topical antibiotics have certain adverse side effects that need to be considered before opting for one of them.

Apart from the topical antibiotics, there are also oral antibiotics.  Perhaps one of the bad ideas about this form of acne cure is the fact that since they are taken orally, there is a great chance that will affect the total body, causing severe side effects in the end.   Amongst the many side effects of these acne cures, are nausea and dizziness. They are the most common.

There are also some vitamin A derivatives out there that can help stop the cells in the skin from clumping together and encourage the skin to shed.  However, just like the above mentioned acne cures, these too have their side effects like emotional disorder, dryness, irritation, redness, and even birth defects.

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How To Use Blackhead Remover

When ever you go to a beautician, dermatologist, cosmetologist, Always prefer to take your own tools with you to prevent yourself from blood born infections like Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV.
How To remove Blackhead.

It is highly advised that you should also consult your dermatologist for proper use of these quality tools. However, here we can give you simple technique to use comedone extractor. Pesky blackhead is a mixture of dead skin cells, oil and bacteria that builds up inside our skin’s pores. Use the same tools as professional aesthetician or dermatologist use to extract blackheads, pimples & clogged pores. They can be exterminated by using a quality professional comedone extractor.

First, lay a warm, wet wash cloth on your face for a few minutes. After a shower is an ideal time to extract. Steaming the face or using a hot water compress is strongly recommended to help soften comedones. This will make them much easier to remove. When you’re ready to begin the extraction process lay the looped side on top of the blackhead – basically encircling this area with the loop. Apply slow and even pressure lightly until the trapped sebum is forced out of the follicle. The blackhead — oil and all — will ooze up and out of the pore. Do not continue to attempt the extraction if the trapped sebum is not released easily.

Applying too much force can cause infection and scarring. When piercing a whitehead with lancet (Pointed end), wait until the whitehead breaks open, then gently roll the tool over the whitehead. Be sure to disinfect the area when finished and clean your tool off with alcohol or hot water. A deep, cystic pimple should not be opened with the lancet. When dealing with deep acne, it’s best to visit a dermatologist. A doctor may use a sterile needle, but only after a pustule has formed. Additional treatments depend on the severity of the acne.

Remember Never use fingers or suction guns for removing blackheads, that may aggravate skin infections.
Some women buy suction guns for blackheads. Suction Gun is made up of plastic, so can’t be sterilized. Suction gun toys never clean the pores completely and deeply, result is that you will get acne and pimples again. Suction Gun may cause broken capillary conditions and is also not very effective. Only the very superficial dead cells and dirt may be sucked away, leaving the condition with no evident improvement.
Always use Professional quality tools for your skin rather than buying cheap and lower quality implements.

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A Skin Care Blog With Amagingly Simple Tips On Skin Whitening, How to Remove Warts, Different Acne Scars Trteatment Along with Many Natural Beauty Tips for that Great Looks You Always Desired

Wednesday 23 March 2016

The Lastest In Laser Skin Care - Microdermabrasion

One of the treatments that is growing really popular is Microdermabrasion, a procedure that removes the topmost layer of the skin, getting rid of the dead skin cells on the surface and bringing back its healthy glow.

It also leaves a smoother surface and even stimulates the growth of new calls as well as the production of collagen and elastin, which both plays a role in the development of wrinkles.

This procedure is similar to some chemical peeling treatment except that it does not burn the skin. There is also less irritation reported as well as allergic reactions to the procedure. One can even apply make-up on the skin that is newly treated.

One of the many benefits of Microdermabrasion is that it has less treatment time. This means that you don’t have to spend so much time in the surgical room. Another pros is the fact that it has less recovery time compared to other techniques that basically do the same treatment.

It is also relatively painless that dermatologists and doctors do not even use anesthesia anymore. Because of this, it is also relatively cheaper compared to other laser skin treatments available.

Microdermabrasion can treat a lot of skin conditions such as age spots, acne, pigmentation marks, sun-damaged skin, fine wrinkles and even dull congested skin.

The kind of treatment as well as the duration will depend upon the skin type and the condition. Treatment results will of course vary depending on the condition of the skin before the treatment and of course the severity of the problem. But as mentioned before, with microdermabrasion, there will be shorter recovery time. Patients can already resume their work even hours after treatment.

Before the treatment

There are really no strict requirements before undergoing the procedure. But for safety purposes, patients are advised to not put any retinoid or retinal. There should also be no AHA usage for three days before and after the treatment.

Caring for the treated area

The first thing that should be done is to clean the area and keep it well moisturized. The doctor will also tell you the products that you can put on your skin. Another thing that you should do is to protect it from the sun at all times. Do this by using a sun block with moisturizer, at least SPF 15, to keep the skin moist and supple.

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Unknown Web Developer

A Skin Care Blog With Amagingly Simple Tips On Skin Whitening, How to Remove Warts, Different Acne Scars Trteatment Along with Many Natural Beauty Tips for that Great Looks You Always Desired

How Acne Skin Care Products Work - What You must Know

With the growing popularity of different acne skin care products out there, people who have skin diseases—especially those who are suffering greatly from a skin disorder like acne—endlessly search for acne skin care products to solve their skin problem.

But then, due to lack of knowledge and information, more and more people are misled to use products and avail of treatments without consulting a dermatologist or a physician resulting to a more devastating situation.

To avoid mistakes in choosing acne skin care products and treatments, it is very important to have the knowledge about general cause of acne, its types, the age of the patient, current status or acne condition, so you know what are the products appropriate for each kind and avoid possible allergic reactions.


Most dermatologists would agree that the use of acne skin care product should depend on the kind of acne the person has developed. Since cleansing the skin is the first step in treating acne, the first thing the patient need to consider when looking for acne skin care products is finding a good cleanser that is effective and works fast.

The Active Cleansing Gel—which contains triple exfoliating action of salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and lactic acid—is one of the most recommended acne cleansers today because this acne skin care product helps you clean your skin without deeply exfoliating it.

For those who are treating their acne for the first time, acne kits are quite reliable. When looking for acne kits make sure that you look for those that have products containing benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, and glycolic acid. These active ingredients are usually customized for individual skin care needs and medications.

Another popular source of acne skin care products is from Acne Clearz. Free from DHEA and fragrance, the product in this line are recommended for the consumption of teenagers and adults as well. Containing hydroxyl, superior oil production ingredients, and anti-oxidant protectors, these acne skin care products are also recommended for those who have sensitive skin.

Another recommended option is acne skin care products from Acne Control Thera Line. Featuring products that are physician-formulated, the products are known to have sebum protection and oil control that are good acne bacteria destroyers while they remove dead skin cells through safe exfoliation.

Like the others, the major components of the products are benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and sulfur. The effect is expected to be visible as early as six weeks.

Other effective acne skin care products also include topical treatments—which usually offer products that are known for destroying acne bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses in the areas affected.

These products are also known to be formulated with highly concentrated ingredients include zinc oxide, iron oxide, sulfur, sodium chloride, poyethylene glycol and magnesium stearate that are good in moisturizing the skin.

If your acne is in its fully-developed stage and there is a need for you to use accutane acne products, make sure that you are constantly monitored by your dermatologist or by the doctor who prescribed your medication to prevent possible injuries.

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5 Perfect Antiaging Skin Care Treatment - Fight Aging

Physical appearance usually becomes the innermost reflection of people, their lifestyles, and their personalities today. In a world where physical beauty matters, it’s not surprising that more and more people look for products that would maintain or even enhance their beauty.

One of the worst physical flaws people—especially women—consider is the occurrence of wrinkles and other visible signs of aging. And since they are more concerned about their physical appearances, women are more enthusiastic in trying different sorts anti-aging skin care treatments and products.

They are more into using products and availing of treatments that would protect their skin against the aging effects of the environment.


Studies show that the first thing you need to do if you think your skin is being damage by aging is to provide the it with the essential nutrients it needs and take care of it by using proper anti-aging skin care treatments.

Most dermatologists also agree that a person can help minimize skin aging and damage caused by years of being exposed to chemicals, free radicals in the body, and several environmental factors by discovering anti-aging skin care treatment or wrinkle free skin care that can give them younger looking and healthier skin.

With the help of modern science and technology, having a flawless skin is still possible today despite the environment damages the skin endures. Most experts agree that people can minimize premature aging of skin by arming themselves with knowledge about the aging process, its causes, and look for possible natural solutions like going back to healthy living by doing regular exercise, having balanced diet and developing a healthy lifestyle.

But if these natural options can no longer work, various anti-aging skin care treatments and programs are available in the market today. Here are some anti-aging skin care treatments and products that can help you regain that youthful look:

1. Anti-wrinkle creams. The use of anti-wrinkle creams is probably the best anti-aging skin care treatment there is. Various anti-wrinkle creams that have powerful antioxidants prevent premature aging and wrinkling of the skin.

The use of such creams also help protect the skin against harmful free radicals in the body, the harmful effects of cosmetics, environmental damages. By using high-grade herbs and ingredients as major components, anti-wrinkle creams can minimize the spread of existing wrinkles and age spots by tightening the skin.

2. Anti-aging moisturizers. Since the ingredients of moisturizers penetrate deeply into the skin, the use of anti-aging moisturizers will help lessen the visible signs of aging like fine lines, wrinkles and sun spots. These moisturizers also all to the skins hydration level depending on the person’s skin.

3. Anti-aging sunscreens. With today’s global warming, it is a must that people wear sunscreen or sun block to avoid the harsh rays of the sun. If you want to maintain a younger looking skin, look for anti-aging sunscreens that are suited for your skin type.

4. Antioxidants. Antioxidants—through the use of vitamins or by eating foods that have high anti-oxidant content—can help your skin cells bind the free radicals that usually cause aging or death of skin cells.

5. Exfoliants. When you reach the age of 30, the capability of your skin to exfoliate decreases. This is why it is quite important to avail of an external form of exfoliation to keep skin renewing itself.

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A Skin Care Blog With Amagingly Simple Tips On Skin Whitening, How to Remove Warts, Different Acne Scars Trteatment Along with Many Natural Beauty Tips for that Great Looks You Always Desired

Tuesday 22 March 2016

3 Different Skin Care Problems - How TO Treat Them

The skin can make or break a person’s appearance. One can have the perfect features but without the flawless skin to go with it, you won’t be able to stand out in the crowd.

Despite the exodus of products in the market that help in caring for the skin, there are still a lot of people who are not in the best shape when it comes to their skin. Treating the skin can be a problem especially when you are not aware of what the cause and the nature of the problem.

Below are some of the most basic and common skin problems, their causes and their solutions. Read on and you might get some great advice about it.

1. Wrinkles and lines

This is perhaps the number one fear of most people— lines and wrinkles, which are signs of aging. Besides growing old, this is also caused by too much exposure to the sun as well as repeated use of muscles.

Early intervention is perhaps the best solution. Always wear sunblock, which will protect your skin from the harsh rays of the sun. Sunscreens that have SPH 15 and higher protect your skin from both UVB and UVA. Get a sunscreen that will also moisturize your skin. This is especially true with people who have dry skins.

2. Enlarged pores

Although this is not really much of a problem as compared to wrinkles and lines in the face, some people are still worried about this as large pores are more prone to acne and pimple problems. This is because dead skin cells and grime tend to clog the pores, leading to acne.

There is actually nothing that one can do with large pores as we are gifted with this from birth. The only thing that one can do is to prevent the clogging of the pores by removing make-up and washing your face before going to sleep. UV rays can also cause the opening of the pores so it is important to protect your skin well.

3. Dark Spots

This has actually been the problem of people who are already in their middle ages. Still, with the extreme heat of the sun and people’s penchant for sunbathing, many young people nowadays have developed dark spots on their skin. Dark spots are the result of the overactive production of melanin as a response to extreme heat.

Sunscreen. Sunscreen. Sunscreen. Need we say more?
One should also look for products that have vitamin C and E, which helps in preventing brown spots. 
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Unknown Web Developer

A Skin Care Blog With Amagingly Simple Tips On Skin Whitening, How to Remove Warts, Different Acne Scars Trteatment Along with Many Natural Beauty Tips for that Great Looks You Always Desired

Caring your Skin Using Vitamin C

Vitamins are essential in keeping the skin healthy. In fact, there are a lot of beauty and skin care products in the market that use these natural vitamins and minerals as their ingredients. Vitamin C, is said to be one of the vitamins that is very beneficial in helping the skin regenerate.

In order to be used on the skin, Vitamin C is transformed to L-ascorbic acid. This form, however, is pretty unstable and is in fact so hard to be used in cosmetics. This is perhaps the reason why there is only a few cosmetic products that carry Vitamin C when compared to other vitamins like A and E. Still, chemists are trying to find ways as this form is found to stimulate collagen synthesis on the skin. Unlike other vitamins, it is also able stay in the skin for as long as three days as well as prevents a reaction called UV immunosuppression, often seen in 90 percent of cancer patients in the country.

In looking for Vitamin C in products, make sure that it contains a stable L-ascorbic form and a low pH level. Highly concentrated products are also recommended. Remember that just because a product advertises Vitamin C on it front level, it does not mean that it contains the kind or the form (L-ascorbic acid) that your skin can use.

Vitamin C as shield from the sun

Vitamin C, as mentioned above, serves as a good shield from the sun, which harms the skin by drying it up and causing wrinkles and lines to show up. Vitamin C does this by neutralizing the reactive oxygen or free radicals, which is often caused by the interaction of sunlight, skin tissues and of course the cell membrane. But though it revents the absorption of light, it should not be used to replace sunscreen. Skin care experts still recommend the use of sunscreen for maximum sun protection. Still, vitamin C can be combined with sunscreens for more coverage and longer protection because once this gets into the skin, it cannot be easily washed or rubbed off.

Vitamin C as an anti-oxidant

Vitamin C is known to play a crucial role in the oxidation process. It prevents free radicals from destroying the skin. Free radicals are caused by ultraviolet rays from the sun and its reaction with oxygen.

Vitamin C stimulates Collagen

The vitamin helps synthesize collagen, a component of the skin that is essential in slowing down the aging process of the skin. L-ascorbic acid signals the collagen genes to begin creating new collagen

How To Stay Healthy
More Healthy Living Tips
Unknown Web Developer

A Skin Care Blog With Amagingly Simple Tips On Skin Whitening, How to Remove Warts, Different Acne Scars Trteatment Along with Many Natural Beauty Tips for that Great Looks You Always Desired

Disclaimer: The information contained on this Blog is intended for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended to replace any professional advice or prescribed medication. Any statements made on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA and any information or products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Please consult a healthcare practitioner before making changes to your diet or taking supplements that may interfere with medications.